
Take Average Josephine's advice: Pack smart for your winter vacation

With the crazy weather Michigan has been suffering through lately, Average Josephine has decided to focus her attention away from sweaters, winter coats, and boots. Instead, she has started planning her resort collection.

Like many snow birds, Average Josephine likes to get away to warmer weather for a week in the winter. And of course, it wouldn't be Average Josephine if she didn't get a few new pieces to celebrate.

If you're planning a getaway this winter, here are some of the essentials you'll need to pack.

A hat. While big floppy hats are the choice of many women on holiday,diorhandbags Average Josephine recently purchased a crisp white fedora. It's simply stunning. If you have a larger head, you can purchase a men's version in a larger size and wrap a colorful headband or scarf on it to make it feminine. This is a tres chic look and nobody will know it wasn't bought in your favorite boutique. Amazon.com sells them for less than $35.

A flat pair of sandals. Although your instinct is to purchase a cute high heel or a wedge (what the heck, you can always buy two pair!), Average Josephine suggests you bring a flat pair with you. Your poor feet have been in socks and boots all winter and won't be tough enough yet to go barefoot AND high-heeled. Mark Average Josephine's words — by vacation day three, you'll need something that's easier to walk in.

A cute sundress. Average Josephine loves the peacock prints that are showing up. The color is universally flattering,ralphlaurenhoody and a print is very forgiving, if you haven't made your Zumba class as often as you'd like.

A swimsuit. Yes,wholesalebags even if you are carrying a few extra pounds. Everyone deserves to swim. If you don't already have one you like, look for separates. A skirted bottom with a tank on top from Lands End is Average Josephine's suit of choice.hermeshandbags Don't be that person who refuses to wear a suit because she thinks she is too old/fat/pale/whatever. Get a sarong and go have some fun.

A great bag to carry to the beach. Average Josephine swears she has a tote bag from every resort she's ever been too, because she always forgets to bring one. This year will be different! Target has some extremely delightful bags and she's going to pick up one BEFORE she leaves (and save the extra money she'd normally spend on a ridiculously expensive tote bag from the hotel gift shop).philliplimhandbags

