
Security lists items prohibited in College Park Center

Security will restrict the types of items allowed inside the College Park Center for the grand-opening ceremony and other events.

All outside food and drink are prohibited including alcoholic beverages. Items brought in a cooler and glass containers will not be allowed.

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Large bags, except for purses, diaper bags, backpacks and fanny packs are prohibited.Buy wholesale new louisvuittonhandbag products on TradeTang. Security will search all bags at the bag inspection area.

Strollers for younger children are not allowed in the general seating area of the arena. Strollers can be checked in at Guest Services near theHigh quality replica ralphlaurensweater of well known brands . main entrance.

All animals and pets, except for service animals, are prohibited.

Cameras,TOP grade replicalvhandbags of high quality at wholesale prices! phones and recording devices are allowed at sporting events but not concerts. Visitors are also encouraged to bring signs to support the teams, but signs must be no more than three feet in height and must not be commercial or obscene in nature. Banners and poles to display banners, signs and flags are prohibited. Visitors will need prior permission from center officials to hang signs on the railings of the arena.

