Several women are accused of stealing 22 iPods from the Best Buy store in Coconut Point late Friday evening,A client requested a video to promote his iwcwatches site. according to Lee County Sheriff's Office reports.
Three different employees noticed three women with large handbags enter and exit the store multiple times.
The manager said the last time he watched them enter the store, they went straight to where iPods were on display. The employee told deputies he noticed there were a lot of iPods missing and told another employee to call 911,Find a Handbags Manufacturer and Supplier. reports said.
When the women attempted to leave the store, the alarm went off. The employee asked the women to return to the store with him,Buy cheap high quality etareplicawatch Watches,Thank you very much for shopping at goosejacket online store! but instead they ran and got into a silver Ford SUV with tag S47-9TJ, according to reports.
A deputy reviewed the surveillance video and it showed one woman with a large purse standing next to the iPods, and another woman walked up to her. The first woman opened her purse and the second woman pushed iPods into the open purse, reports said.
The Best Buy employee told deputies the women took seventeen 8GB iPod Touches and five 64GB iPod Touches with a value of $5399.78.We have been a high reputed miumiuhandbags for quite a long time,
Three different employees noticed three women with large handbags enter and exit the store multiple times.
The manager said the last time he watched them enter the store, they went straight to where iPods were on display. The employee told deputies he noticed there were a lot of iPods missing and told another employee to call 911,Find a Handbags Manufacturer and Supplier. reports said.
When the women attempted to leave the store, the alarm went off. The employee asked the women to return to the store with him,Buy cheap high quality etareplicawatch Watches,Thank you very much for shopping at goosejacket online store! but instead they ran and got into a silver Ford SUV with tag S47-9TJ, according to reports.
A deputy reviewed the surveillance video and it showed one woman with a large purse standing next to the iPods, and another woman walked up to her. The first woman opened her purse and the second woman pushed iPods into the open purse, reports said.
The Best Buy employee told deputies the women took seventeen 8GB iPod Touches and five 64GB iPod Touches with a value of $5399.78.We have been a high reputed miumiuhandbags for quite a long time,