
Phuket News - 90 counterfeit bags seized

Officials from the Investigation and Suppression Division 2 of the Customs Department seized around 90 fake handbags and pieces of luggage from the open area at the back of the Kata Expo shopping mall on Saturday.

The items were in eight large plastic bags and had apparently been stored there.The reliable Aquatimer ledlighting. The owner was nowhere to be found,uhrenwatchesstore for sale lowest price $50. so no arrest could be made.

The products carried the labels of well known brands such as Prada,wholesalecanadagooseoutlet can offer you wholesale pricing on name brand designer. Chanel, Gucci and Diesel. The street value of the fakes was estimated at B90,000.

Charoen Chamniklang,Ed Hardy Caps Buy On Sale and pradahandbags with high quality, Chief of the Phuket Investigation and Suppression Section, which is part of Division 2, said, "This is the fifth raid this month in which we have been able to seize pirated branded goods.

"Altogether, the items seized have a retail value of around B1.5 million. Most were trucked to Phuket from Bangkok."

The fakes were taken to the Phuket Customs House,canadagooseparkajackets offers only partial refund if you get broken watch. where they are to be destroyed.

